Recreational Reality

Annealing Collapse: Commentary and Character Interview

Eliza: Hello and welcome everyone to another character interview! There are like a zillion characters in Annealing Collapse so we just picked a few at random who responded to our interview calls. So we have Fari, Nadezhda, Hajia, Dani, Kelva, Kailan, and Jania here today.

Thomas: Our first question is, since it has been so long since the collapse and recovery, what stands out for you after so many years?

Kelva: The first collapse I saw is still burned into my memory. That curtain of light is just something you never forget.

Jania: I had no idea there were so many other kinds of worlds! I still can't believe I didn't know my world was so game-like. I guess I knew deep down inside, but just never wanted to admit it?

Fari: Same - I had no idea just how big reality actually is. I don't think anyone did.

Hajia: I didn't know my world was so 'inverted', you know, gender-wise.

Dani: Yeah, seeing the more common arrangement was certainly a shock. And still is a bit odd, to be entirely honest.

Nadezhda: I still wish we could have saved the Continuity Enforcer. We brought back everyone else, but him. Some things, and some people are just lost to time, I suppose.

Kailan: I'd say standing in the control center for the first time is my most vivid memory. Finding out our worlds were actually just simulated was quite a shock. Even if it is a kind of simulation that's basically real.

Eliza: Where was the first place you wanted to visit, or the first thing you wanted to do once all the worlds were connected?

Nadezhda: Naturally, I wanted to check out the other alternate-Earths to see the competition.

Kailan: More space exploration was pretty high on my list. Of course working on central command was also super interesting (and what I still do today).

Hajia: Go to the moon, mainly. I'd seen the recordings on TV, but actually visiting is certainly something else.

Dani: Same!

Fari: I wanted to find someone else. Another civilization or another universe. Just didn't expect they'd find us first.

Jania: Explore other worlds for sure! Learn about new kinds of music, too! Level up!

Kelva: Actually it was get home to my family. I had quite the story to tell, and wasn't going to miss that opportunity for the world.

Thomas: Anything in particular you miss, or don't miss, about the previous universe you were in?

Fari: I'm just glad we're out of that empty universe. Explorers don't do well when there's nothing to find.

Dani: I like that there are so many new people to meet and talk with these days.

Hajia: Absolutely, much more diversity and life here.

Nadezhda: The fact that we found others like me is also excellent. And there are better training opportunities here anyways.

Fari: Yeah, I think you're going to have a hard time finding anyone who prefers the seemingly-infinite void.

Jania: Definitely! Many more levels and many more people like me to meet as well!

Kelva: Not really, it was a lot smaller and less interesting.

Kailan: Same.

Eliza: So... everyone wants to know, since you took over your Earth, Nadezhda, are you interested in taking over any other planets?

Nadezhda: Actually one planet is quite enough. Plus I'm not quite the only show in town anymore.

Fari: You could say that again.

Thomas: Anything in particular you feel is unfinished business from this story?

Kailan: Well, logically those monsters are still out there somewhere, hopefully not destroying someone else's universe.

Fari: I can guarantee you that if they're out there, we'll find them, and bring the pain.

Hajia: They certainly deserve it!

Dani: Yeah, no-one else should ever have to suffer that fate again. Wiped from existence itself is no way to go.

Nadezhda: Although I do believe our new friends will be able to help out quite a bit with that, right?

Eliza: Really? Uh, possibly. Probably. I mean, if you could do it over again, what would you do differently?

Nadezhda: I already answered that. Although I'm not sure how I would actually save the Continuity Enforcer. I'd have to think on it.

Fari: I'm not sure we could have done anything differently. It feels like it worked out almost as well as could be expected.

Jania: If we had prior knowledge, I probably could have helped out a lot more!

Kailan: I'm not sure that's the intent of the question.

Thomas: I feel that question is a bit confusing too. So to wrap it up, our final question is 'Who do you think will win the Interdimensional Soccer championship?' Eliza? Is this your question?

Eliza: It's a legitimate question!

Thomas: Okay.

Kailan: My money is on the Ionian Demons, they really kick it up a notch.

Nadezhda: Of course I am rooting for the Earth Defenders, although I do feel their chances are a bit low this year.

Fari: Is this a serious question? Do the readers even know any of these teams?

Eliza: Oh yeah, we should probably tell them about the championship first!

Thomas: Well, my money is on the newcomers, they do look quite good!

Eliza: And... that is actually all the time we have today! Good thing we had extra budget for this interview.

Thomas: Well, it was a long story, after all.

Eliza: True, true. See you all next time!

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Published on Recreational Reality by Metafictional Press. First Version 2019 August 11, Latest Version 2019 August 11